September 2, 2013

I Can Already Hear Auld Lang Syne

Labor Day has come and gone. For me that can mean only one thing: it is already the end of the year.

In my mind I am already closing out projects, tidying up the production schedules knowing that many projects need to be finished up by the last days of 2013.

Days, weeks and months will whoosh by as I mind-storm with artists, rush to meet project deadlines, keep back to back appointments — a marathon of creativity and completion with many late nights. I'm booked solid, and that's a joyous feeling that inspires gratitude and awe. It also seals my fate between now and the first refrain of Auld Lang Syne.

This blur of activity begins as we fall into the first few days of September, our nation has celebrated an early Labor Day Weekend, we meet and greet Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur. The autumnal equinox and the mid-Autumn Festival with its mooncakes is also soon part of the mix, the ticking of time, the passing of days marked by holidays on our calendars, all around the globe. Chinese National Day the first of October, followed by the birthday of Confucius and the Cheung Yeung Festival. Columbus Day reminds us that as part of the hospitality industry we work through many of these festivities as we help to let everyone know about the special days celebrations. Then thinking up tricks and treats for a fun-filled Halloween, again, not a day off work but still always a bright spot in our autumn with the studio full of costumed designers.

Diwali, the Festival of Lights, shines through the first few days of November. Then a long happy Thanksgiving Weekend delivers to us the end of what will feel like a very short month especially since this year Hanukkah commences before December can announce itself.

It is almost the end of the year! Only 15 business days left for us!

This year the winter solstice officially brings our year of labor to a close as the studio takes a break the week between Christmas and New Year's Day (and the few extra calendar days that get squeezed in : ) for a short but happy interval of rest, revelry and relaxation. This well-deserved break for the IMAGE: Global Vision artists is a respite from the full-steam-ahead work ethic that fills 12 months of long days, nights and weekends, some holidays and even vacations so that we may help our clients fulfill their dreams.

This end of the year is a happy time with friends and family, rushing to wrap and exchange last minute gifts, indulge in long lunches filled with laughter and evenings sharing bottles of wine.

Glasses full we will toast what has been an amazing year, and welcome what will come soon enough, the Lunar New Year celebrations!