October 24, 2012

Actuarial Science Pro Expresses Her Artistic Soul with the Pink Panther

In college, Ning was an actuarial science major. Statistics. We asked her to join our studio to conduct analysis, pricing and risk assessment. Yet it hasn’t stopped Ning from contributing to an atmosphere of creativity and invention. How lucky we are to have found a science major who has a keen appreciation of artistry. 
 ~ Regina

I was visiting family in China when I discovered a fun, new fad: iPhone covers adorned with crystal beads and iconic toy dolls — The Pink Panther, for example, and many Disney characters. I had to have one for my own phone. But I was told that it would take a month to deliver the cover I wanted. Since I would soon return to sunny Santa Monica, I didn’t place an order.

But I wasn’t disappointed. The sales girl I spoke to encouraged me to make my own cover. She showed me the elements that were necessary and explained the best ways to begin. I thought, Why not? I’ve been working for IMAGE: Global Vision for almost two years, and I’ve learned so much from all the designers, who continue to inspire me. I wanted to create something of my own. 

So I bought three colors of crystals, a pen-like tool that helped me glue the beads to a standard plastic cover, and a Pink Panther doll that I would adapt and dress up with beads. 

Although I really enjoyed my little project, I must say that it was also challenging. You must be very patient to attach all the crystal beads to the surface in just the right way. Colors had to be clustered in the correct areas — eyes, ears, mouth — and progress was slow. Since I lack patience, at one point I considered giving up.

But the designers I greet every day here in the studio never give up. So I stayed with it.

About a week after beginning, I had finished my Pink Panther iPhone cover and I was thrilled with a sense of accomplishment. It was also a sweet feeling when the designers all responded to my work. Javier Leguizamo liked it so much he tried to put my cover on his phone.

The experience has inspired me to look for another creative project as I continue to draw on what I’ve learned here to expand my way of expressing myself. I love the language of artists. I love how they speak without words by accessing their imaginations.

I doubt that I’ll make another iPhone cover. Maybe that’s best. Not everyone can embrace the fad. I bought a cover for my dad in China. Since he enjoys a beer now and then, I had his cover designed with tiny replicas of beer bottles. He loves it, but only displays it at home. He confessed, “I’m a fifty-year-old business man. How can I carry this to meetings?”  

Fair enough. Since I like new things, I sometimes prefer to leave home without the Pink Panther smiling at me.  So I switch covers. But I’ll always keep my creation. It proves that I am growing and learning and that makes me very happy and proud.

~ Ningning Lu