February 21, 2012

Designers @ IMAGE: Global Vision Do More Than Design

As a busy and productive schedule hurled me toward the New Year of 2012, I paused for a moment in my studio and glanced at my industrious, brilliant colleagues. Together we had traversed the globe many times — literally and figuratively — and reached deep within ourselves to help international corporations stand out with vibrant brand identity solutions. I was moved by the gift of their presence.

But my affection and awe of the people around me wasn’t inspired simply because they do such wonderful work.  Of course the outcomes must be first class and refreshing or we all would be quickly replaced. Rather, I was moved by a fundamental truth:  to be a designer at IMAGE: Global Vision you can’t only be a designer.

Christy Thrasher is an insatiable reader, who will absorb anything between two covers. Meanwhile, Javier Leguizamo is equally literate, yet prefers digital and online content. Also, nearly everyone in the studio has traveled beyond our North American borders.  And Ningning Lu was born in China and educated in Canada and Boston before joining us.

The reading, exploring and sentient experience of global cultures is what each of my colleagues brings to each project, not merely design talent that can churn out pretty pictures, posters and logos — the product.

The truth is our “product” is the ability to transform intangible dreams, intentions and authority of purpose into a tangible destination. A meeting place of substance and elegance.

Yet to do so, to build out from the intangible, our designers must have developed their minds, souls — and their consciousness. This is what brings depth, joy and profundity to an identity design. 

Rigor, originality and accessibility with an aura of mystery are the hallmarks of enduring design, in my opinion. To achieve such results, don’t go looking for a designer.  

Seek a whole human being.