July 7, 2011

Many Happy Returns, A Designer's Journey Brings Her Home

When one of our artists leaves our studio to seek new challenges, I’m thrilled for them. It’s an even bigger thrill when they return, because then we get to see the remarkable growth that has occurred. I am so pleased that Danielle Vega has taken some time to go to school and returned as a designer! How fortunate we are to once again enjoy her big smile and bathe in the radiance of her lovely personality.   Regina Rubino

I was afraid to take the leap. But not because I wanted to hitchhike around the world or fly to the moon. All I wanted to do was go to school again — full time.

I’d attended the Otis College of Art and Design as a part-time student and loved it. I learned a lot and enjoyed being around like-minded people. 

But at the time I also had a job here at the studio, and loved engaging with the artists and soaking up all the incredible encouragement from Regina Rubino and Robert Louey.

Yet … I knew more school would help me improve my skills so that I could aspire to the same high standards everyone here embraced.

When I thought about going to school full-time it was scary wondering how it would all work out. But it was exciting, too.  I knew that some things we want to do in life are risky. That was OK because I have a positive outlook and I knew that sometimes the things that scare me the most are the very things I need to face.  

But … the uncertainty of it all.  If I enrolled in school full time, I’d have to leave my job which would mean I wouldn’t have an income.  How would I pay my bills?   

I took the leap.

Not that I had any answers.  I told myself I would just have to figure it out and, if I did, everything would be all right.  I also told myself, “There are stumbles of all kinds in different periods of life, but I’m just going to go back to school and find a way.”

I attended a junior college in Thousand Oaks, and then went back to Otis so that I could expand knowledge in graphic design and learn more about digital motion design techniques. I also volunteered with a traditional book binding company where I learned a lot about printing presses. I had one foot in the old ways and one foot in the brave new world.   I enjoyed it all.  It solidified the path I knew I was interested in pursuing.

It was a big deal to put everything on hold and go back to school. But I had it in my head that it would be so wonderful to stay in touch and eventually return to this wonderful environment.   

So that’s what I did this spring. I came back just to help out a little bit. It was great to see everyone.  

Then our colleague Emily Carlson announced that she had decided to leave her job to travel around the world with her husband David for nine months. An opportunity opened up. I was offered a job. I was ecstatic. I feel very, very grateful.  

I’m learning so much more about the smallest details and my eye is getting sharper and there are now more things that I notice. You pick up on everybody’s creativity and begin to understand new things, new depths.

It’s like travel.  Everything works out.

Look before you leap? Nah.  Leap before you look — and behold how generous the universe can be when you believe!

~ Danielle Vega