April 28, 2011

Looking Back as I March Forward

When I told Regina and Robert that I would be leaving Louey/Rubino Design Group to fulfill a dream of traveling the world, there was no reason for them to be surprised. After all, for three years they have taught me how to dream big — and make it happen.

When I joined Regina Rubino and Robert Louey in 2008 I had only been a designer for about a year and my experience was mostly doing business cards and other small things. Then suddenly I was asked to contribute design ideas for enormous signs, brand campaigns and complex packaging concepts. At first I wondered if I was qualified. Jumping into other media was daunting. Similar in scale to what my husband Dave and I will be doing soon — evacuating the safe confines of our condo for the unpredictability of the big, wide world.

If I’m ready for the adventure of a lifetime it is because Regina and Robert have been extraordinary sherpas, guiding my climb to new vistas with grace and wisdom. For instance, my fear of doing large projects was soon dispelled when they taught me that designing a four-foot sign is really no different than doing a one-inch logo. It’s all design, and with a solid creative idea we are all qualified. No need to limit our vision when there are teams of skilled engineers and craftsmen available to help us make our dreams real.

But my growth wasn’t limited only to artistic matters. When I joined the studio after freelancing with them for about a year, I was timid. A people-pleaser who didn’t want to demand too much or offend anyone. Of course I’m still nice, but I’m no longer a doormat. I now know how to call a collaborator about a missed deadline and quickly resolve the problem. Regina taught me how to smile while holding someone’s feet to the fire. 

I now pride myself in being firm, a standup woman who can get things done. The change has been extremely helpful in my personal life. If in the past I only wanted to share “good” news, I now have no problem saying exactly what needs to be said. Think this new skill will come in handy when visiting Istanbul or Cairo or fascinating destinations throughout Southeast Asia?

Empowered may be an overused word, yet it correctly describes how the new me feels. Regina and Robert have given me more than a job or a set of skills. They have endowed me with the courage to do anything that I truly want to do. And this is why the global tour Dave and I have long dreamed of eventually shed the restrictive shell of “possible” and became inevitable.

post 1 of 3 by Emily Carlson