December 21, 2013

Snow Angels

Rosa Loveszy, now in college, was one of the very talented and lovely students at the High School of Art and Design whose art covers the hallways of Andaz 5th Avenue in NYC. She has been kind enough to keep in touch and share the joy of the first snowfall of the season. Her photo made me smile and warmed my heart. These simple magic moments of stopping to enjoy are so important in life. Rosa's thoughts follow the merry jumping photo.

The First Snow Day at Arcadia

The first big snowfall of 2013 was a welcome surprise during the last week of classes at Arcadia University. My roommate and some of our other friends threw down our books and ran to embrace our inner child. Two of the girls in the photo had lived in Texas their whole life and this was their first snowfall. Despite the fast approaching finals week, the campus was buzzing with excitement. Classes had been canceled and the snow was a fantastic excuse to take a break from our never ending studies. We ran around campus making snow angels and building snowmen. It was exciting to see the place transformed in to a winter wonderland. After taking a photo on a slippery hill we ran to the neighboring slope in front of the campus castle. By this time our toes were wet and cold, the plan was to make our way to the warm fireplace lounge and thaw our extremities. The snow began to fall heavier and our excitement grew. One of my friends suggested we take jumping photos! It took several tries, but at last we all jumped in unison. Shortly after hanging our coats up to dry and brewing a small pot of hot chocolate I pulled out my computer to go through the day’s adventures. I sat with my roommate, our two friends from Texas and two Korean exchange students. Prior to this snow day we were acquainted, but we were not close friends. The days following our photo session, we spent more time together than before. The snow turned out to be an unexpected uniting force.

~ Rosa Loveszy