October 2, 2013

Collaborative State of Mind: Dive and Thrive

I didn’t expect it to happen this way. I moved to Los Angeles from Hawaii, my native state, in early summer. I was prepared for a period of adjustment as I learned the lay of the land and began a job search.

In fact, I figured the job thing might take awhile because I wasn’t even sure I wanted to continue as a graphic designer. I barely survived a couple previous positions. The environments were impersonal and unfriendly. I sometimes wondered if any of my “colleagues” knew I existed. I would sit in my cubicle badly wanting to interact with other creative spirits and learn from experienced designers.
Be careful what you wish for. 

Actually, no, let me say it another way:  Wish for what you actually want.

I now have a job I didn’t even know existed, yet just happens to be my dream job. I dove in two months ago with a warning that autumn/winter/end of year is the busiest time of year for the IMAGE: Global Vision studio. They weren’t kidding. And I couldn’t be happier.

I won’t pretend it hasn’t been stressful at times. But in those moments when I’m juggling ten things at once — key cards, menus, logos, websites, corporate invitations — and worrying that I just can’t keep up, I take a deep breath and remind myself, “This is exactly what you wanted. Feel lucky. Rejoice!”  And so I do. Every day.

It has been exciting to learn so much so quickly. The designers here blow my mind with their high level of skill, speed and imaginative leaps of faith. Sometimes I get down thinking I’ll forever be a turtle in the land of jackrabbits. Then I realize, these folks have been at it awhile. I’ll get there. Oh yes I will.

I know I’ll improve because the gifted ones are also incredibly supportive. No solitary confinement allowed around here. The artists peer over each other’s shoulders, pitch in with helpful critiques, and I’m pretty sure Regina has occasionally peered into my soul. I know because suddenly I didn’t doubt myself anymore. The family vibe here is genuine and reassuring.

I first met Regina Rubino and Robert Louey this summer when a friend referred me. I didn’t expect a job offer. I would have been grateful for a little guidance about career stuff. Do this, girl.  Don’t do that.  When I was invited to join the studio I was overjoyed because I’d also just found an apartment in Venice, a city I fell in love with on the day of my interview. I now bike or walk to work. In Los Angeles? Uh huh. I’m still pinching myself. 

I know it’ll be great to finally have some time off during the holidays after a long, possibly exhausting sprint to the finish line. I’ll go home to the islands and see my family. I’ll have so much to tell them. 

But the thing is, I love to work. I get a little stir-crazy on vacations. So why should I mind that I fell into a mind-boggling, creative maelstrom? It’s fun. In part because the whole studio seems to do so well with sharing a project, each artist taking on an element and then coming together with the confidence that the finished product will mesh, glow and hit the mark.

A lot of people I’ve known can’t do that. They’d rather work on their own — yes, probably in a cubicle somewhere. I feel sorry for them. If I sat there and did my own thing day after day I wouldn’t learn as much — or as fast. There is something so special about being in a group. The process of collaboration is incredibly valuable, priceless, and very hard to find. To think that I discovered the best of all worlds by taking a high dive during the most frenzied time of the year.

So it goes.

Sink or swim?

Nah.  I say, dive and thrive.

~ Janelle Toner