August 20, 2013


11pm and the streets are so packed it seems like mid-day. A throng of tourists, mostly from Japan, a choir of voices in various languages. All gently and politely maneuver and jostle with shopping bags in both hands. Business is booming in this tiny yet diverse sector of the world. Aloha!

The gentle night breezes cool our bodies and lift our spirits. There is a happy buzz in the soft night air. We're in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and loving the balmy isolation. Our solidarity with others is the joy of hunting for gifts, bargains, unique beauty and remembrances.

The friendly shop owners in Waikiki — a special patch of Honolulu — embody the spirit of the islands. How nice to see business booming, at least in the retail and hospitality industries, hotel rooms at capacity and restaurants full of patrons eating and drinking. 

To be sure, this is one of the high seasons in this exclusive area. Yet, if only this were a dream recovery or harbinger of good things to come in an otherwise dour global economy. 

In a way, the jubilance we experience is a stunning example of how quickly gloom and anxiety can be eased or erased. If only the world's economic stagnation were nothing more than a state of mind that could be lifted by a couple of days in paradise. 

The vitality and good-natured fun that surrounds us is equal to the brisk, urban confidence that energizes Hong Kong — that uber-progressive, multi-national oasis of commerce. Life is a paradox. Here, relaxing in the lap of luxury there is such abundance. And yet it is impossible to forget that elsewhere many good, talented people are suffering from job loss and lack of opportunity. We count our blessings.

Another flight will bring us home. Los Angeles. The City of Angels. At least we know the sun will be shining.