June 23, 2013

Desperately Seeking (and appreciating) Ingrid

I sometimes wonder what the IMAGE: Global Vision studio must seem like to visitors and new members of our crew. The chaos of creativity prevails as we conjure brand strategy and identity solutions for our global clients. Busy contributing to the creative assignments, we don’t often notice the magical and, at times, mystifying swirl of events.  

But if like Ingrid Hernandez your job is to make sense of the numbers, pay invoices, prepare inter-office reports and communicate with a bevy of vendors … if, in other words, you are a very organized and efficient person … what opinion might you have of artists who seem indifferent to the necessity of excel spread sheets and basic math?

All I know is we’re very lucky that Ingrid joined us in April of 2012.  She was referred by our former long-time accountant, and for that reason I was confident she could do the very important work of monitoring cash flow, man-hours and service providers — and keeping excellent records.  

A year later, I know there is much more to Ingrid. She is sweet, to be sure, and describes herself as shy. Yet she also has a lovely personal sense of style that belies the assumption that all accountants are buttoned-down types who live and die by the calculator. Ingrid is like fresh flowers in a vase. Her presence imbues our space with the always welcome intangibles of beauty and grace.  

We’re happy to celebrate Ingrid’s one-year anniversary with us because we need her — desperately.  And if she thinks we’re all a little bit crazy, that’s okay because in a way we are.