The team matters in every aspect of life, not only athletic competition. Without teams the boat would not float, the plane would not fly, the song would be silent.
Teamwork = ART
"It is not only one person's work, it's really a partnership and collaboration during all these years."
Teamwork = Music
“I love to hear a choir. I love the humanity... to see the faces of real people devoting themselves to a piece of music. I like the teamwork. It makes me feel optimistic about the human race when I see them cooperating like that.”
Paul McCartney
“If I could solve all the problems myself, I would.”
Thomas Edison, when asked why he had a team of 21 assistants
T e a m w o r k = H u m a n P o t e n t i a l
“Synergy is the highest activity of life; it creates new untapped alternatives; it values and exploits the mental, emotional, and psychological differences between people.”
Stephen Covey