September 17, 2011

Enduring Friendships: Part II

History, Friendship and Marriage

As I lived history in a place like no other, I met two people who proved to be very important to me.

One was an American woman named Regina. When we were introduced, she had just arrived to set up her business. We got along well, but not only because we had such fun together. Regina became a role model, an example of how an independent woman can start her own business and thrive in the world. She showed a great sense of what is beautiful, and she was always very respectful of people.

I also met a man. An Englishman named Alex. We fell in love and he was promptly transferred. I was only too happy to follow. We became husband and wife.

In Singapore I entered yet another phase of my traveling journey life. Alex’s work took us to Bangkok and then back to Singapore, which is now truly home for us.

Yet I have visited many countries in Asia and discovered scuba diving and seen the world from 90 meters underwater. Lately my travels are mainly related to triathlon competitions. So far this year they have taken me to Abu Dhabi, Bali, and Port Macquarie in Australia.I love triathlons and I am looking forward to the New York Ironman event in August 2012. This occasion will bring me back to the United States for the first time in 15 years, and I’m very excited about my return. I also travel to meet friends and family living abroad, this is how I ended up in Rome for a long weekend 2 year’s ago to meet Regina to celebrate her birthday along with our good friend Nathalie, this led us to meet in Istanbul for mine this year.

I have met such great friends throughout my travels, and if there is a common thread it is definitely not nationality. It is a taste for adventure. I hope I have given as much to my fellow travelers as they have given to me.

Do not doubt that domestic life is also a journey. I have two beautiful little boys who bring me and Alex much joy. They are a typical example of “Third Cultured Kids” or TCKs, born in Singapore to a French-Japanese mother and an English father. They have been exposed to so much at such a young age that I bet traveling will likely be an important part of their lives.

Beyond The Horizon

Where will I be in 10 to 20 years? I have no idea. I have learned so much about myself through travel, and yet I can honestly say that what matters most to me now is not places but my family and friends. They have helped me grow and find my way in the world, and believe that anything — anything! — is possible and well worth whatever risk is involved. By opening up to people, I’ve been stimulated to move forward, continue to learn, and be happy for myself and others.

And, of course, my friends have taught me to always have fun.  Always!

P.S. Regina and Nathalie and I have decided to meet every few years in a city anywhere around the world. The idea to meet them somewhere exciting, each of us with a glass of wine, brings a smile on my face.... and might open up a door for something new!  

Nathalie to come soon....

~ by Masami Noro Bell